May 10, 2004

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I ate pineapple today . . . and salmon. We’ll see if that has any effect on smell and flavor later.

After reading such perfect descriptions on, I feel at a loss to describe how I smell right now. All I can say is the right-hand index finger used for the diptest smells better than the blank left-hand index finger.

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Mar 2, 2004

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Like a Bandaid

While stretching in the nude, I could smell my warm pussy odors wafting up towards me. Yummy smelling, full-bodied, musky pineapple. Not sure what to credit the fine aroma to considering it’s been almost 24 hours since I bathed. I had some marionberry yoghurt yesterday, lemongrass and chili noodles, sausage jambalaya, and milk. We did not have sex. I did not masturbate. I am on day 10 of my cycle.

With such a sweet smell from far away, I am almost afraid to ruin it with a diptest which may prove that it’s overpowering . . . let’s see . . .

Hmmm. Dip between lips smells a little like a bandaid at 20% power, mixed with a citric lotion on my fingers. Doesn’t exactly match the wafting odor which must be a nice mellowed musk emanating from my bush.

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Nov 17, 2003

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Cat Pee

Today my pussy smells like cat pee. I am on day four of my period, but barely flowing. Yesterday we ate tomato soup with extra canned tomatos stewed in GARLIC and balsamic vinegar. Then we had fajitas with lots of onions. Lots and lots of onions. I am blaming the cat pee smell on lots of onions and garlic.

I am not even going to taste it today.

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